August 15, 2013

New, New to Me (used) and Newly Improved ArcGIS with AutoCAD 2013, 2014...

I got a new (used) car to replace the turn of the century family van we had before, traded in my 17 inch flat screen on my desktop at work for duel 22 inch (hand-me-down) monitors.  After 10 minutes I can’t believe I could ever work without them.  I got a new upgraded laptop which looks and feels a lot like the old laptop with some snapping new internals and a new operating system I'll have to get familiar with…

On the GIS CAD front here are some more new, or new-to-me things, for you. 

There is a patch for ArcGIS for AutoCAD 300 sp1 for a few of you that had the unfortunate combination of some flavor of AutoCAD and other flavor of operating system that prevented ArcGIS for AutoCAD from ever loading.  If this was you, or someone you know there is a patch for that here:

For ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 users you will find added support for reading AutoCAD 2013 format files (2013-2014...).  There is also a patch for ArcGIS desktop 10.1 users to add that same functionality. Microstation users will also find some improvements to reading various geometries and support for shared cells.

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